“I met a teacher in China and learned that God created the world, He sent His Son to save us, and we are forgiven by His mercy. It was the first time that I ever heard such facts. I could not believe this when I first heard it. But, I saw sincerity in the teacher’s words. So I said to myself, “I want to believe what the teacher said,” so I declared, “Yes, I believe.” Then, I felt the coming of the Holy Spirit into me. It was strange experience. As the time came to return home to North Korea, I took more than 20 CDs, flash memories disks containing the Jesus Story and Superbook, and the entire curriculum of a Bible College teaching curriculum. I then went to the university I used to attend in my home town. I left a few of the USB sticks near the gate of the university. I ran after dropping a CD near the wall of the university. I was scared. I came home and gave one to my husband.
He immediately asked, “how did you bring this from China? Didn’t you get caught?” I could not tell him how God had helped to hide them and brought it to North Korea. I had to tell my husband not to tell anyone. One night, I had to go to the bathroom and saw my husband watching a video I had brought from China. I did not ask what he was doing. One day, I came home and found that some food had disappeared. I asked my husband whether he has seen the food I had left in the kitchen. He smiled and said, “I gave it to the poor.”
Later, I heard a knocking sound at our door. I found a 10-year-old boy asking for food. I gave him some left over rice and soup. Instead of eating it, he took it outside. Curious, I followed him and found that this boy gave the food to his sick father. I then returned home to take some medicine I had brought from China.
At that moment I realized that my husband was actually practicing what he has seen on the video, sharing food with the poor. Then, the true love of Jesus began to flow into me. My tears flew down my cheeks. I have shared with my two young sons and we began to read the Bible under a blanket every night. I will be sent to jail without trial if the Social Security Bureau found that I am Christian, but I am completely free in this land, knowing my Father watches over me.”
My heart was thrilled as I heard this revival in her home. I was listening to this lady’s testimony with tears, knowing that this is how God brings perfect peace in her home. Unlike many rich people in South Korea, she was a very rich woman because she has Jesus in her heart.